
an extension that takes screenshots when key (default is spacebar) is pressed



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Event that is triggered after contents have been drawn and the screenshot has been committed to file

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should saving be performed asynchronously?

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Event that is triggered just before drawing the contents for the screenshot

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when true, capture every frame. when false, only capture on keypress.

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contentScale can be se to be greater than 1.0 for higher resolution screenshots

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delays the screenshot for a number of frames. useful to let visuals build up in automated screenshots.

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open override var enabled: Boolean
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the folder where the screenshot will be saved to. Default value is "screenshots", saves in current working directory when set to null.

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var key: String

the key that should be pressed to take a screenshot

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multisample settings

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var name: String?

override automatic naming for screenshot

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should the program quit after taking a screenshot?


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open override fun afterDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program)
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open override fun beforeDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program)
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open override fun setup(program: Program)
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open fun shutdown(program: Program)
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fun trigger()

Trigger screenshot creation